a very wet week indeed. its been raining for two weeks straight now. and just when the philippines have been battered by the typhoon "juaning", its been a blessing that the typhoon next to it, "kabayan" did not make a land fall and did not make a single destruction to the country. and barely next to kabayan, another one is on its way. oh, well, life must go on, as filipinos would say. its been year after year that filipinos would be hit by at least 20 typhoons, and flood after flood, there's still a smile on our faces. amidst the loss of lives and properties, filipinos somehow learned to rise up again and continue living. my wedding was even during the meanest storm we've experienced!!! but that's another story.
its still raining outside, and my laundry is waiting for the sunny smile to dry them up. they've been hanging in the clothes line for 2 days now, and i hope that the fabric conditioner i've used has kept its promise of keeping our clothes smelling fresh.
and what to do during rainy days? here's some:
1. finish that book that's been calling your attention night after night.
2. board games with kids. ( monopoly, chess, scrabble, etc.)
3. make a play. with you and the kids as the stars of the play.
4. pig out. comfort foods are the best during rainy season. think of lugaw, champorado, ginataan, banana cue.
5. experiment with a new recipe. or better yet, teach the kids how to cook.
6. organize your closet. its about time you clean that closet and donate things you have not used in a long time.
7. clean the house.
8. sleep. mom's deserve a little more sleep, once in a while.